I’ve been looking for something like this! So far I had an open street map bookmark but this is way better for when I’m hiking. Other commercial maps sucks for hikes.
Mapy.cz is still quite decent. I live in Italy and a few friends happen to know about it and praise it.
It’s especially good for the Czech Republic, the rest is just an OSM reskin (still good though). If you stop updating at 9.55.2 (9550200), you will still get the premium feature (multi-country offline maps) for free and without downsides, AFAIK. However, they have stopped server support for old versions before and it’s pretty much impossible to unofficially import the map data without root.
If only it had support for public transport. In theory it would be my favorite OSM app but I can’t really use it without support for that :(
What OSM app do you use that supports public transport?
I don’t think it’s OSM but I use Here we go. I don’t particularly like it but it has public transport support and isn’t Google Maps.