Conservapedia, like the incel wiki, are windows into parallel universes and both are proof, that ours isn’t the worst timeline after all.
It almost looks like incredibly well done satire
“Hitler was a socialist! It was in the name!” “China is communist! It’s in the name!” “North korea is communist! It’s in the name!”
“Kamala harris is a communist! She is with the democratic party, but that does not mean she is one. 🤡” “Trumps wouldbe-assassin was not a republican. He might be registered as such, but that does not suit my agenda 🤡.” “Everything i read or hear, i see as fact or not based on what helps me most 🤡”
These people are absolute fucking clowns and it’s impossible to talk or argue with them because they are not grounded in reality. It is exhausting.
Could you imagine of Adolf Hitler named and said thjngs that were lies with the purpose of manipulating people and getting in power? Thankfully, we live in a timeline where he cant lie