ACAB, especially that bastard relative of yours.
The capitalist state and it’s forces in the form of Police and Military primarily exist to protect the private property of the rich. All other functions are secondary.
Serious question, how do you suggest we enforce laws without police?
You know, I hadn’t thought about it, but I guess being against police brutality must mean I think there shouldn’t be any law enforcement at all. Cause I certainly can’t imagine a world where there are police who uphold the law but don’t beat the shit out of people and kill them indiscriminately.
Your question is absurd. Pointing out that cops beat the shit out of people and kill them indiscriminately in no way presupposes that there should be no cops.
Well, if ACAB, then so are the ones that simply uphold the law without resorting to brutality. It’s not SCAB after all. So if that’s the idea, asking for a alternative solution to law enforcement does not seem that absurd to me.
ACAB is a critique of the policing system as a whole, not individuals.
Good individuals enforcing a bad system are still as bad as the systems they enforce.
Law enforcement should truly be built around the idea of protecting and serving the greater public, but at this time it’s really just legalized violence controlled by the rich, like a hit squad.
The way I understand ACAB is not to remove all cops, but reform the system fundamentally. It’s a flawed system encouraging bad behavior and silence.
Nobody is advocating for zero police. It’d be better to move the police budget to more social programs to try and help people so they’re not pushed into a life of crime. An ounce of prevention is worth of a pound of the cure.