Trump seems to not understand the language of Putin and insteads opts for the language of Medvedev.
it’s so difficult to guage trump’s intentions towards ukraine since, on one had, he extols their mineral deposits in exchange for aid in their war with russia and, on the other hand, he says shit like this.
My prediction is that he’ll absolutely dump Ukraine once he realizes what the actual cost of keeping the war going is going to be. Right now he seems to be under the impression that he can strong arm Russia into some kind of a deal, but once Russia rejects that then he’s not gonna have any cards left to play.
Imagine if Russia didn’t have nuclear weapons and the ICBM to deliver them.
Mr Mush Brain says mushbrained thing.
He’ll be dead soon enough, and so will Putin.
Yes they’re not the only awful people that want to play the big nasty man, but we can hope for a more stable and peaceful world.
We can at least hope for sense to prevail.Trump, sure, but why would Putin be dead?
Because you don’t like him?
Because he replaced Boris Jeltsin who was similar to Javier Milei and pulled the country out of economic misery?
Because he wants to join an international payment system that’s fair instead serving US debt?
Because you hear about CIA paid figures like Navalny from USAID paid news articles, the type Trump is accused of being, but unlike Trump, aren’t billionaires, who would never be elected if not for foreign donors who expect something back from it?Because he started a war of aggression, had a political opponent assassinated in a plane crash
- A war of liberation is not a war of aggression. He didn’t start the war. He’s ending it. It’s a two-partial-nations-in-one-country civil war that he’s now splitting off from the part that demanded secession with Ukraine and acession with Russia, since they’re Russian Ukrainians and don’t want to join an anti-Russia alliance.
- This was a private military contracter who just failed a coup attempt for a military junta made from his own private army, and a product of the libertarian period of Russia that’s being reigned in. He should have been arrested legally for doing so, but in this case that probably was considered too risky in terms of consequences. In any case, it’s a much better idea than putting such a figure next to the president’s chair as a kind of mayor of the palace.
Jesus you’re one messed up unit. Go and live in Russia dude.
You go live in the UK or one of it’s settler colonies instead.
Reality is not going to be kind to you the longer you stay in the EU.Lol. And there you go with your assumptions. Misconceived as they are. It shows how narrow minded you are.
I grew up in England, I came to live here in Australia 31 years ago. So I’ve done as you suggested. Oh by the way, there’s lots of countries on this planet, most with access to this internet thingy.
Tell you what, why don’t you go and live in the UK or one of its settler colonies, oh wait, maybe you do already. Haha. Hope life starts to treat you well sunshine.
Ok, done. What’s next?
My goodness you’re so quirky and really funny. Where’s your next show ? The Kremlin ? Lol, get it ? Because you’re in Russia now. Man were both hilarious aren’t we. Should we team up ? You can be the clown and I’ll try to play the straight man. I mean, you’re made for it right.
While I am also critical of the western media propaganda, labeling this as a war of liberation is simply plain wrong. This sort of logic US used when it was trying to ‘liberate’ countries like Vietnam, Nicaragua, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. It is a war of Russian aggression in response to stupid Western provocation. Reverting the stable Minsk 2 agreement was a US led effort.