After Borderlands 3, I think I’ll give this a miss.
I remember getting part 3 for ps4 and it was literally unplayable, it would crash every 5 minutes. I have a ps5 now but now I’m reluctant to give this series another shot
Smart thing to do for any and every AAA game is wait a few months. Launch will almost always be a shit show, then wait for the dust to settle and people say “it’s actually good now.”
I’ll personally be giving it a miss because the need to shake up the meta in a pve game is baffling. If I just spent days farming perfect guns and anoints to do raids on mayhem 10, don’t fucking change how it works so I have to farm a whole new build.
Do like I plan to do and skip the launch. Wait for a deep sale and enjoy a finished, functional game in about a year or 2.
Will it be good? No idea. But it’ll be cheap
When BorderLands 3 came out, it had very little pre-order stock which got gobbled up by scalping bots world-wide in under 6 minutes after being made available.
I remember my buddy spent about $300 on a scalped Italian preorder bundle to get all the launch swag because he loved borderlands so much. Then the game dropped, we played together, and it was some DOGshit.
Homie was so pissed off that we ended up drinking and crying about his cheating girlfriend instead because that was more fun than playing BL3 lmao
The gibs and blood from enemies is very bright when it stains the ground; I wonder if that ties into a new gameplay mechanic somehow. I think this is also hinted at by the last scene with the psycho in the rain and giant pool of blood. It could also just be a new visual effect.