I mean, fuck Zionism and all that, but I would be very surprised if this account was anything else than another Russian seeking to destabilize western democracies by sowing division.
Remember that time Russian intelligence services drew stars of David all over Paris? That was fun.
Okay BlueAnon conspiracy theorist.
- IT Pro: Cambridge Analytica models were exaggerated and ineffective, [UK Information Commissioner’s Office] claims
- Wall Street Journal: Mueller Doesn’t Find Trump Campaign Conspired With Russia
- Jacobin: Democrats and Mainstream Media Were the Real Kremlin Assets
- Washington Post: FEC fines DNC, Clinton for violating rules in funding Steele dossier
- Washington Post: Russian trolls on Twitter had little influence on 2016 voters
- Jacobin: It Turns Out Hillary Clinton, Not Russian Bots, Lost the 2016 Election
- Matt Taibbi: Move Over, Jayson Blair: Meet Hamilton 68, the New King of Media Fraud The Twitter Files reveal that one of the most common news sources of the Trump era was a scam, making ordinary American political conversations look like Russian spywork
- Jacobin: Why the Twitter Files Are in Fact a Big Deal On the Left, there’s been a temptation to dismiss the revelations about Twitter’s internal censorship system that have emerged from the so-called Twitter Files project. But that would be a mistake: the news is important and the details are alarming.
- MSNBC Repeats Hamilton 68 Lies 279 Times in 11 Minutes
- Jeff Gerth at Columbia Journalism Review on Russiagate: Editor’s Note | Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
- Matt Taibbi: WMD, Part II: CIA “Cooked The Intelligence” To Hide That Russia Favored Clinton, Not Trump In 2016
- Chris Hedges: Why Russiagate Won’t Go Away
أنا عربي يا حمار
and by the grace of god you liberals are self-sabotaging, keep shooting yourself in the face, keep calling us Russian trolls, let’s see how that works out, some out reach! we wont be voting for your team in November
this post wasn’t even political but you had to go mask off and show how much you hate Arabs
كس أمك على كس أم اللي جابت أمك على كس أم الحزب الديموقراطي وكس أم أمريكا كمان إذا هذي هي الحالة معكم
Gosh. I was referring to the Zionist dude in your post, not to you.
But thanks for the reality check.
- Not everything is a Russian conspiracy.
- You still deserve my response because I have been told that so many times by liberals in the past 10 months.
- Stop making excuses for Israelis without realizing what’s going on, here’s context to help you:
Israeli protesters storm military base after soldiers held over Palestinian prisoner abuse
Video: Israelis storm detention centre to free ‘holy’ rapist ‘heroes’
and it is not just about rape of Palestinians who they see as lesser-humans, it is a rapist culture, for example this Haaretz article from 2011 on Israeli rape culture
Over half of Israeli men - 61 percent - do not consider forcing sex on an acquaintance as rape, a study conducted by Tel-Hai Academic College recently found. Moreover, 41 percent of Israeli women share that view.
Any liberal who calls everything they don’t like a Russian conspiracy will sooner or later call me a Russian troll. God knows you have probably already done so to many Arabs and Muslims.