He doesn’t look like an Industrial Average!
Is … Is that him?
Wikipedia says the Dow Jones Industrial Average was first published in 1896 by Charles Dow and Edward Jones the co-founders of the Wall Street Journal. But Wikipedia didn’t exist in 1971 so a guy named Dow Jones could probably convince a lot of people he invented it.
I’m guessing you are joking, but in case you are not, Dow Jones was, and is a company where people work:
That’s clearly Eddie Burback
Everything about this is gross. It’s a good post, OP, but today it’s hard being a woman in the US & seeing half the population thinking that this is how it should be.
Or it could be a joke picture with some people having fun. Is there some context I’m missing?
In the US, a heavily misogynist candidate recently won the presidential election, along with a heavily misogynist party that has a very “Let’s go back to the Good Ol’ Days, when Men Were Men and Women Knew Their Place” sort of thinking.
It’s a neat photo of the 70s, and it may not even be that any of the participants in the photo meant it in anything but a joking way, but I definitely get why, in context, some may find it… uncomfortable.