I don’t know, maybe oxygen.
How does oxygen fit the definition of luxury?
Though that’s not really the point of your post is it? What you did was read and understand OP correctly but then thought, “won’t it be so hilarious if I make a joke and answered with something that you LITERALLY can’t live with out, instead of contributing to the discussion!?!?! Hahaha delightfully devilish, professorozone!”
That your comment is upvoted is disappointing. It’s Reddit tier crap.
Clean and well-tasting tap water. It sucks when I’m going to another country and they have chlorinated tap water
Where in the world?
We have clean water in Austria, directly from the mountains without adding anything (just cleaning it with UV light to kill potential bacteria in most regions, nothing else. Not even that in some regions).
Some of the best and cleanest water worldwide, so whenever I go to another country I’m disappointed by their water quality.
Swede here who frequents Austria. I agree, and I love drinking the water while hiking in Austria.
If you visit Sweden, our water is mostly as good as the one in Austria. Some exceptions are Gotland because of high chalk (so? “Kalk”) levels.
How’s the water in the Netherlands, out of curiosity? If you’ve been there, that is. Or Belgium, maybe.