Fediverse is intimidating to normies.
Fediverse is intimidating to normies.
Well. Yeah, if you want to learn the shiniest new features, you’ll need the shiniest new references.
But for a new user, for whom Python is probably one of the first languages they learn, a 3.8 reference won’t give them much trouble for a while.
I say this as a novice Python user tho.
Has python changed that much for a new learner that a 3.8 tutorial is worthless in 3.13?
I don’t think so…there’s new features that wouldn’t be taught, but most everything from Hello World to decorators and lambdas were present in both.
Now, if you have a python 2 guide…yeah. That’s worthless. That shows its flaws during “Hello World”.
I’m confused with the “doo doo doo”, so I’m just gonna read your comment to the tune of “baby shark”
Oooh that’s juicy. I wonder how many holes they left in the important production systems that they’ve been touching.
I also wonder, with how progressive and dissenting American programmers and cybersec experts are, if our l33t h4x0r sk1llz could be turned against DOGE?
Not suggesting anything wildly destructive, just some friendly grey-hat trolling to slow them down and expose their flaws. Think of it as a complimentary pen-test.
Part of me also thinks they are hoping some people will slip in some “proof” of fraud somewhere, like how people “proved” the COVID vaccine was killing people via VAERS.
Gonna don my tinfoil hat here for a second…
Was the monetization of the API a deliberate move to kick out the progressive and tech-literate long-time reddit users (myself included, with 16 year badge and centuryclub), to in turn make the site more of a Nazi, pro-Trump circle jerk?
Because I really think it succeeded. The whole atmosphere shifted that day, and I’ve barely been back except when I end up there out of muscle memory or a Google result…and those often have the best answers removed by someone who went through and scrubbed their account.
We all remember how Spez treated r/thedonald, right?
Same…though it seems to do some weird stuff like not marking DMs read, or not having an easy way to embed a photo that’s already hosted somewhere (and my instance seems a bit conservative with size limits).
Still, it’s a solid app, and the only way I interacted with reddit.
It’s got to change, right?
I’m hoarding my pills as it is, taking weekends off and the occasional weekday…and asking my doc for a refill 28 days out from the last fill regardless of how many I have left.
I take Vyvanse for ADHD + BED…it helps tons with squelching “food chatter”…so I am not getting distracted by a constant desire to snack and stay on-task. It seems to have helped with my social anxiety as well since I’m less clammed-up when medicated.
Doc suggested I try Concerta if Vyvanse is hard to come by, but Concerta hasn’t been too much better.
And I’m sure the pharmacy’s are just as tired of me calling them for inventory questions as I am.
I just wish there was a better way. The whole situation, and that it had gone in this long, is just absurd.
In the case of Vyvanse I almost get it, since it’s a newly genericized med. I used to work in Pharmacy Billing and I know insurance companies will not accept brand due to industry shortage of generic.
There were plenty of times when a new generic would hit the market by one manufacturer and it’d take months for them to scale up enough to match demand, but the entire time, insurance companies deny the brand because there’s a generic “available”.
But it’s not just Vyvanse, it’s all of them.
Can I have cream with the berries?
When Qui-Gon died, his clothes didn’t fall to the ground. Why not? Vader, Yoda, and Obi Wan all disappeared. So did Luke, iirc…I only watched the post-trilogy once. Leah when full on deus ex machina.
I know no one didn’t before Qui-Gon but wtf man?
For real. I gotta go to my BILs 40th tomorrow.
He’s a MAGAt. His wife is an obedient little servant. Also, he’s a cop and the party is at a cop bar.
Yeah I really don’t want to go. Hoping our blizzard shows up early and I can use it as an out.
Killing your husband used to be the only way out of an abusive marriage.
Give it time, we’ll get back there eventually at this rate.
My initial thought was this was the cast of Chicago because of her.
Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Donald Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
Is this AI?
Trump looks slim, that bowl looks…weird…and Uncle Ben’s finger looks to be bent at a very uncomfortable angle.
Nobody does deadpan like us.
If they only knew.
Well…yeah. The only difference between a religion and a cult is member count and how long it’s been around.
Big and several generations? Religion.
Small or only been around for a few generations? Cult.
The only reason Christianity isn’t a cult is because we were told it’s a religion.
Just like Herbalife isn’t a pyramid scheme, it’s an MLM.
the default macos shell?