That certificate is for N2 of the JLPT, whereas the top level is N1. A lot of native Chinese speakers can pass test levels beyond their actual Japanese ability just because they’re familiar with the kanji, which is a big part of the test.
The US uses lib to mean socially liberal, in opposition to the cons. The rest of the world uses it to mean fiscally liberal, as in support of not regulating capitalist markets, which is an anti worker position.
People often get pissy that a word can have more than one definition.
There’s a tiktok vid of her getting it done that looks real enough, but who knows.
Someone in the thread from a couple days ago also linked her FB and OF profiles
Countries can decide internally to call something whatever they want. One example is how not everyone in the world agrees on how many continents there are and uses some different names (like Eurasia). A more relevant case is how most of the world calls the ocean between Japan and Korea the Sea of Japan, whereas Koreans call it the East Sea.