A small group from my church is Opinions on street evangelism? planning to go out soon to do street evangelism and I kinda agreed without really thinking about it. I suppose I felt like I just should’ve

The thing is that I’m not sure if I like the concept. I think that if God wanted someone to come to him then he’d set pieces in place to draw them in. Trying to go out to random people and just going “Hey do you know God? You should repent now!” Feel more like interfering and forcing God onto people

Like I’ve seen a few clips of those “Christian Youtubers” who do things like that and honestly I get embarrassed from watching. If you’re gonna approach someone and take time out of their day then you should respect them and know when to stop.

Plus I’m pretty introverted aeound strangers and I don’t like going up to people unless I have to😭

  • oceanA
    11 hours ago

    It’s always super cringe and never converts anyone