I donate about $7 a month to my masto instance (Hachyderm, funny enough) because:
Twitter wanted $10
I know about 1% of users donate
I like having an independent instance run by people I feel ideologically aligned with.
For similar reasons I will very likely donate something to db0 this quarter to support my Lemmy habit.
I still have reason to use Facebook, reddit, Instagram, and those places all suck. It’s so dire scrolling there and literally 80% of the content is ads. I canceled all my streaming services this year but I’m still going to pay for independent social media because it’s worth it.
Great, unfortunately you are in the minority. Seems like only around 2% of the users donate to their instances, and even the ones that do are covering only the hardware costs.
I donate about $7 a month to my masto instance (Hachyderm, funny enough) because:
For similar reasons I will very likely donate something to db0 this quarter to support my Lemmy habit.
I still have reason to use Facebook, reddit, Instagram, and those places all suck. It’s so dire scrolling there and literally 80% of the content is ads. I canceled all my streaming services this year but I’m still going to pay for independent social media because it’s worth it.
Great, unfortunately you are in the minority. Seems like only around 2% of the users donate to their instances, and even the ones that do are covering only the hardware costs.