Your choices do not exist in a vacuum. Earth is an interconnected community of living and non-living things says ethicist Patrick Effiong Ben of the University of Manchester. African philosophers like Jonathan Chimakonam and Aïda Terblanché-Greeff have a helpful concept for thinking through the weightiness of your decisions: complementarity.

    1 month ago

    What we’d need to do is drastic reorganization of how we work and live and manufacture things. Things like:

    1. Ban advertising globally since it increases consumerism. Regulate long term guarantees and repairs and interchangeable parts
    2. Abolish all patents, in order to redesign the many thousands of industrial processes, legal hurdles have to be brushed away
    3. Make industrial meat production illegal
    4. Redesign cities to have all necessities within walking distance and no through traffic, similar to sovjiet style city planning
    5. Make climate change denial or obfuscating a crime like hate speech
    6. Nationalize all oil production

    Of course, it’s career suicide to seriously discuss those points. That’s why we still get this inane babble from the “intellectuals”.

    The sad truth is we simply don’t live in a reality that ever could have done anything about climate change. So it never even mattered if it was anthroprogenic or not. It was always like a physical impossibility, an economic-political impossibility.