Edit: I don’t drink alcohol, it’s just the best way to describe it. From comments I’ll be going on a low carb diet, thank you all.

Explanation: male, 38, 130 pounds. Skinny, low muscle mass but have a beer keg belly.

My day is 7am wake up. Get kids to school. Work until 5. Get kids from school. Cook, shower and then I’m exhausted AF.

I’m semi fit? I’m a mechanic professionally and spring til summer I mountain bike regularly. So my calves are monsters.

But would like… basic at home sit ups. Push ups etc like on a Saturday, would that help at all?

  • beerclue@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    i did have some blood tests back in december. everything was within parameters for someone my age & gender.

    i’ll try the calories / carbs counting. based on how much i eat, i should be able to add it all up at the end of the day. i remember 10-15 years ago i dropped the sugar from my coffee and also stopped eating bread for a few weeks, and i dropped a few kg. i do eat veggies, it’s not just protein with rice. my kids love a salad with olive oil and lemon juice, and my stir fries and curries also have plenty of them. but noted!

    thanks a lot for the tips!