I’d rather hear the “Trump is worse” arguments than listen to people try to gaslight us into believing Biden’s been good, at least “Trump is worse” is true
For real, these fascistic democrats are getting to be as big of a problem as the fascistic republicans.
They get worse every time they lose elections because they’re able to sell their voter base on all the “we need to do these horrible things to win” arguments. Step one of solving our problems is electing shitty Democratic lawmakers, step two is primarying them for failing to do what they campaigned on (with community organizing and mutual aid throughout these two steps and just as a general ongoing thing).
They get worse every time they lose elections because they’re able to sell their voter base on all the “we need to do these horrible things to win” arguments.
For real.
And enough with the social justice fakery, embrace UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, fully, or shut the f*** up about it.
Preaching generic “omg this is so wrong!” to the choir doesn’t really do any good when the social conservatives really only need to be educated about human rights. They’ll join that UN party when they figure out what’s really up with human rights.
It is so funny watching Americans contort themselves as if the elections aren’t a sham. They act as if they are voting on board members for the banks, you know the people with power lol.
No matter what choice you make, fascism still wins. That’s just the American way. You can have covert fascism, or overt fascism.
The illusion of choice, the lie of hope
A woman has the legitimate choice to go out with a third guy or nobody. We do not have a legitimate choice of anybody but Biden or Trump for president. One of the two will be chosen.
This meme is stupid and amounts to pro-fascist propaganda.
Fascism is when you don’t support a genocidal leader
Fascism is when you rule with an axe.
youre going to get a lot of hate for stating facts.
theres a huge contingent here on lemmy who really want fascism to win, so theyre attempting to guilt people into voting for a 3rd party
Fascism is already winning. It’s going to win regardless of whether we vote for Trump or Biden. That’s just the reality of it. Vote for whoever the fuck you want. That’s your freedom. Just know that in America, the ruling class will never part with even a shred of their power.
Giving up and giving in are the same thing to the ruling class. They appreciate your support…not you specifically, but rather the investment they’ve made to make you accept their rule as fate.
It’s not giving up; it’s acknowledging the reality of the Groundhog Day movie we’re stuck in, and doing what you will with that information. This endless circle of the working class bickering over “the lesser of two evils” every 4 years needs to end.
Sure, as soon as the working class realizes that isn’t the choice. The choice is obvious. People voting for the right, the party for the owner class are being tricked into voting for the same bosses that treat them like shit.
This prevents the working class people from being elected because the cost of running has been driven up by the right so all we have left are weathly democrats and those that aren’t, those that made the mistake of baretending are ridiculed and the working class who votes right join in the piling.
They are class traitors and need this both sides narrative to justify being played for the fools they are
It’s a situation with no correct answer, and that’s what makes it so frustrating. That’s generally why I point out that we’re just looking at different flavors of fascism, but people should still vote however the hell they want, or don’t.
The analogy kind of falls apart since she is not limited to this guy and Chad. She’s free to choose nothing at all. With Trump vs Biden, there’s no viable third option, and having no president is not one of the options. So the “Trump is worse” argument becomes viable simply because you do have to choose one of them.
Continue with that analogy. What would happen if that woman had no other option. Should she choose the nice guy, the chad or object to the choice being fostered upon her and choose nobody? And if she’s paired anyway with that person, should she then act as if it was her choice, or take actions to disengage from that person and destroy the system that caused these turn of events?
You can tactically vote for Biden to avoid Trump and still take actions to dismantle the system.
No you can’t because biden didnt run. Just like harris should not have run if she refused to meet the electorate were they’re at policy wise.
My comment was from 8 months ago…
yeah sorry. filter switched to controversial without me realizing. points still stand though. =)
So the woman in our scenario should decide to choose the “Nice Guy” tactically?
No, I’m saying that your analogy breaks down.
I don’t think it does. A choice fostered upon me at the threat of violence is not a choice at all. I refuse to participate and therefore legitimize such a farce.
You’re free to do nothing, but smart people choose to minimize harm when there are only bad choices in front of them.
Who said I’m “doing nothing”? Voting isn’t doing anything. Only actions outside the ballot matter.
Or you could maybe take actions to fix the system. Because whatever you lot come up with after dismantling is going be worse for everybody else.
Using the trolley problem as an analogy, if you don’t pull the lever the people run over by it are not your fault but the trolley company’s, but if you do pull the lever the death of the guy on the other tracks is absolutely on you.
I assume you voted for Biden last election, to avoid the trolley running over the people in that proverbial track. Congratulations, you are guilty of murdering all those Palestinian children. Now, next election, if (when) Trump wins, your vote even for Biden is what gives legitimacy to his presidency.