Fate of able bodied young man:
- Becomes Disabled Young Man
- …💀
Don’t worry, Disabled Young Man will become Disillusioned Disabled Middle Aged Man and make some great art in the interwar period.
me_irl if I knew how to make art or express myself. Instead I’m just disillusioned middle aged disabled man with bottled up despair from societal neglect.
My bad, I wasn’t fully awake when I read your comment and was too focused on making the funny.
Kind of hard when my illness prevents me from leaving my bed.
The few who survived went home and mostly bloodlessly ended the divine right of kings though
You will be a soldier for a war caused by the bourgeoisie, for useless bourgeois proposals and will not complain
You mean you don’t want to die to gain another metre or two of land for the Empire?! Blasphemer!
“So the actual amount of land retaken is?”
“Excuse me, sir… seventeen square feet, sir.”
“Excellent. So you see, young Blackadder didn’t die horribly in vain after all!”
It’s a shame that when most people think of wars they think of WWII instead of WWI. It’s much more common for a war to be a senseless slaughter of the lower classes by a psychotic elite that is playing their own power game, rather than a just fight against pure evil. But I guess for that same reason these psychotic elite much rather compare every war to WWII and every strategic competitor to Hitler, rather than admit they want you to die for their profit.
Pt. 2 was even more inclusive:
Indy Neidell’s week-by-week portrayal of the Great War is a great series. I have been meaning to rewatch the series after watching it 2014-2018.