I’m a Canadian, so all of this has been happening at a distance for me. That being said, my heart breaks for all the people affected by this decision.

Holding to male-only leadership as being ordained by God has become an untenable perspective: biblically, logically, and experientially.

First, let’s ask the question - assuming that male-only leadership is God’s will - is there a functional difference between men and women which justifies this hierarchy?

If no, then we are left with the conclusion that God has arbitrarily created a hierarchical division between humanity. Personally, I don’t see how one can defend this view in light of the major biblical theme of equalization - that hills will be made low and valleys filled in, the wise will become foolish, and the foolish will be made wise.

If yes, then this functional difference must be in their ability to lead. If it’s anything else (e.g., the quality of having a penis), then it’s the same as being arbitrary.

So then, are women incapable of leadership?

It seems impossible to me to answer “yes” to this question. Clearly, there are plenty of women with the ability to lead. To deny that is ignorance.

Obviously, women are capable of leadership.

Of course, proponents of male-only leadership may argue that, on the whole, men are typically better at leadership than women, just as men are generally taller than women, though not every man is taller than every woman. But this completely breaks down, because it means that gender isn’t the difference after all - it’s simply ability. And if this is the case, then regardless of generalizations, individuals with the ability to lead should lead, whatever their gender.

There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male and female; since you are all one in Christ Jesus.

  • ColoradoBoy@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    This topic alone deserves a few books of material, but to share my progressive American view, I believe the SBC has a history of supporting patriarchy. But what came first, patriarchy or Biblical interpretation? In the spirit of assuming the best of my fellow Christians, let’s assume the problem lies in interpretation.

    The SBC holds that the Bible is the literal, inerrant word of God. I don’t know what to do with that kind of view in my own faith life. Consider: -Many books and verses seem to contradict each other -Jesus “updated” scripture in his sayings -There are many verses that clearly seem to be written by flat-earthers, as anyone might have been thousands of years ago

    The Bible was written in the language and culture of its time. Our knowledge and understanding continues to grow and our faith must continue to expand. This should all be seen through the lens of Christ first. Let’s measure the intent of scripture through Christ’s love, and if there is a contradiction, Christ wins over scripture. I cannot for a single second believe that Christ would not allow women to play equal roles in the church.

    But what about Paul? We hear a lot about 1 Timothy 2:12. Paul is pretty clear that women should be quiet in church here. But why? What is the cultural context? It seems tied to not wanting to seem like another cult. We don’t have that context anymore.

    We don’t hear as much about the last chapter of Romans where women like Mary and Junia are preaching all over the place with Paul’s blessing. Does Paul contradict himself? Sure. How can we really know Paul’s thoughts? More importantly, who cares if there is a contradiction? Applying what we know of Jesus, it seems really clear that we should be way beyond this issue in 2023.