• morgan423@lemmy.world
    11 days ago

    A little old school here, but Tom Petty and the HB were always fantastic live, I got to catch them several times.

    I also once was socially-dragged to a Sheryl Crow concert at the Ryman, and even though she’s not usually my thing, that show was fantastic. She had a bunch of folks from the Nashville Symphony Orchestra playing with her band that night, and I’ve never seen a group of classical musicians have so much fun. They really made it an unbelievable show. If you’re ever there and can catch ANYTHING at the Ryman, do it… the acoustics are absolutely insane.

    My favorite concert story was that we went to a “Best of the 80s” concert in Indiana in the late 90s when I was a teen (bands that performed included Wang Chung, A Flock of Seagulls, and a few one-hit wonders I’m struggling to remember right now). At the end, the promoters took the mic and apologized to everyone that the show was ending a little early, the closing band, Missing Persons, couldn’t make it. My friends and family I was there with laughed our asses off the entire way out of the arena, but it didn’t seem like a single other person there got it.