I hear nothing but bad things when the topic of Unreal Engine 5 is brought up. It’s also true that the games I’ve played which use this engine have suffered from poor performance to one degree or another, so it seems like the complaints are well-founded, but I don’t actually know.

Is it a bad engine, or is it just not being used correctly by either the devs when they design their games or the players when they choose their graphical settings? Or a bit of both? What’s actually wrong with it, in layman’s terms?


  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It can be an amazing engine.

    If you put the Dev time in. Not all studios do that, and they’ll do dumb shit like disable hardware ray tracing. Which doesn’t hurt old cards where that’s the only option, but really hurts newer cards.

    So it’s not like UE5 sucks, it’s just the first games were “showcases” that had the necessary Dev time and set everyone’s hopes too high. Then later games makes it seem shitty