No gf, no friends, it’s hard to meet new people. Tinder and other apps don’t work. Idk even if I travel somewhere I’m alone
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ITT: Bunch of assholes telling you “have you tried to NOT having a cold” when your nose is clearly leaking.
If you don’t understand how it feels to be lonely, any advice you give is awful and full of entitlement.
It’s true that I know most most of advices from this thread. I’m also know that I should to use them, and I try but it’s hard IRL. Sometimes I just break up like today and every answer to me is like getting in contact with some human. Satisfy some social need idk
Well here’s another reply from a human. I saw your post, you’re not alone.
Join a club or organization or volunteer somewhere. It has to be in person and you have to go even if at first you aren’t comfortable.
All the friends people make at school are happy accidents of proximity and chance. Same with coworker friends. You have to make some luck for yourself, put yourself in situations where you will regularly see the same people and get to know them through what you are doing.
Also, don’t focus on romance, focus on friendship. Romance will come naturally - not forced.
I know this does not come easy for most people in your situation. It feels stupid and awkward but chance and circumstances play a huge role in making friends.
I’m sick of hearing this dumb advice tbh
What’s dumb about it?
Many can’t do it. Plus is not a guaranteed solution
Buddy, I hate to say it but there is no guaranteed solution. This advice is the best bet without knowing your life story. Do what works for you, but don’t give up and try different things, even things that are hard or scary.
What helped me was realising there are many people are just as lonely as me. When I force myself to engage, in little ways (even as much as a hello), people seem to take it as an opportunity to speak and it’s quite nice.
I told a quiet neighbour merry Christmas the other day, and he was more animated than I’d ever seen him.
I’m not saying this will help you, though I hope it has some positive bearing as a consideration.
What are you looking for in one?
I can answer since OP hasn’t, and it sounds like they’ll agree
What I want from a friend, partner, whatever is someone who understands and shares my beliefs, values, and circumstances. That last one is, I’ve learned, actually pretty important.
The friends I had in my 20s have changed, as have I since then. Most of them aren’t really my friends anymore, some for damn good reasons. The friends I still have, though I love them to death, do not live a life like mine and haven’t for several years now. Due to things outside of any one person’s control, our lives have started to look so dissimilar that it’s getting increasingly difficult for us to relate. I don’t know how much they see it, and I don’t know how to fix it. My friends are still people I am proud to call my friends and it seems like they feel the same for now, but that won’t bridge the growing gap forever
I might not be identical to you, but I am always an open ear to those who wish to be understood, both here and elsewhere.