After learning this I printed off my PhD notes, prelims, and current dissertation.
I think datahoarding isn’t just keeping digital materials but taking care of what we have!
I chisel everything into stone, than make multiple clay molds for back up, then spread them across all 7 continents
Tracks for datahording ig
I have a bookcase full of cook books.
They’ll always be there, and none of them have a long made up personal story before the recipe. Pluse they’re hand me down from my grandparents.paper in very good conditions (temperature controlled enclosure, with little to no air exchange with open environment). Assuming a normal hdd lasts 10ish years, and you do something like 1 to 1 redundancies, you can store digital stuff for cheaper, and lighter. I am not saying all physical stuff is bad, but paper is not good, unless you use some re-enforced papers like cloth or plastic