“As there is not a moment’s separation between the devotee who says Namu and Amida Butsu himself, every thought cherished by him is Namu-amida-butsu. This being so, every breath of his has never even for a moment been separated from the virtues of the Buddha; his whole being, indeed, is the substance of Namu-amida-butsu. . . . When there is an understanding as to the meaning of the Nembutsu-Samadhi, both his body and his mind are Namu-amida-butsu. For that reason, when all beings of the past, present, and future raise one thought of faith [in the original vow of Amida], the very thought goes back to the one thought of Enlightenment [which was originally awakened in the Buddha]; and the minds of all sentient beings in the ten quarters, when they utter the name, also go back to the one thought of Enlightenment. No thought, no utterance ever issuing from the devotees remains with them [they all go back to the source whence comes Enlightenment]. As the original vow is an act in[…]”
From Selected Works of D.T. Suzuki, Volume II