The admin stated they won’t be renewing the domain because .af is now controlled by the Taliban.
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Could we, like, leave the clickbait headlines to reddit? Thanks. The admins just decided – wisely – not to renew the domain considering who the fee would go to.
The admins just decided – wisely – not to renew the domain considering who the fee would go to.
So the Taliban being in control of the .af domain. Made the admins not to renew the instance. To put in away, “The instance has been killed by the Taliban.”.
No. The Admins killed the Instance.
Nope. That’s extremely misleading.
No. The instance being killed by the taliban is the opposite of that is happening here.
The taliban has done nothing, in this case. The admins of the instance have chosen not to keep the instance due to not wanting to fund the taliban in anyway.
This phrasing fucks up which way the action flows, which is important for a headline to get right to remain accurate to the story. Does that make sense?
Reading that headline scared me. For a moment I thought the instance owner was killed by the Taliban.
Another reason to not use ccTLDs.
If the Taliban take over Australia I’ve got bigger issues to worry about than my domain name.