The American Gulf States and the Appalachian Region that parallels the East Coast up to about Maryland/Pennsylvania has a reputation.
To be honest, historically I could see it. It was mostly tiny towns, stuck way out in the middle of nowhere, with teenagers that had very few options. As they’ve gotten more centralized though it doesn’t happen nearly as often as it used to happen.
I’m sure all those old European royal families are going, “Yeah, yeah, it’s those tiny middle of nowhere American towns where the inbreeding happens. Not here. Never here.”
The American Gulf States and the Appalachian Region that parallels the East Coast up to about Maryland/Pennsylvania has a reputation.
To be honest, historically I could see it. It was mostly tiny towns, stuck way out in the middle of nowhere, with teenagers that had very few options. As they’ve gotten more centralized though it doesn’t happen nearly as often as it used to happen.
I’m sure all those old European royal families are going, “Yeah, yeah, it’s those tiny middle of nowhere American towns where the inbreeding happens. Not here. Never here.”
Hahahahha, yeah they were straight up open about it.
It’s also why there exist no laws on marrying your cousin.
Because that was keeping the gene pool fresh enough I guess
Some places don’t allow your first cousin. But that’s actually okay science wise. The probability for issues after the first cousin rapidly declines.