Everybody is looking at each other wondering who will start the revolution
“I’m struggling to get by. We need to revolt.”
“Agreed. Who will start?”
“Not me. I’m struggling to get by.”
I feel like we got here in 2016 and now we’re just becoming aware of it.
I think it was more hoping we could dismiss the period as a fever-driven nightmare that wasn’t actually real. The fact he accomplished so little during that time kinda helped the idea that it wasn’t real.
This time around they’re coming in hot & heavy, fully prepared to make the most of their chance to destroy all the checks & balances that have kept them at least somewhat at bay up until now. There’s not only no way to deny the forthcoming reality this time around, there’s just no way to overstate just how real shit’s gonna get.
(it’s a word)
I hope you find a way to leave north korea
You know, if someone would suspect me of being a troll, I’d at least hope it would be from a cool country.
Try harder, I guess?
Why are you maintaining it? Or is Homer stealing some parts?
I’m not, I am just stuck 😭
or as I prefer to say : living under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie
My problem with the term bourgeoisie is that most people mistake it to mean the upper middle class, but in fact the upper middle class is just as much working class as anyone else.
The upper middle class doesn’t have generational wealth or resources (because if it does, its not upper middle, it’s just ruling class), and needs a job or career or skill to get resources, otherwise its members go into debt, and become homeless and/or die.
So I think breaking the classes into working vs middle vs upper middle is needless division and unnecessary. It just breaks solidarity between the people who are subjugated by the ruling class.