Queen HawlSera

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Funny story, there actually was a killer who murdered his girlfriend because she was pregnant and didn’t want an abortion.

    In order to cover for this, he found out exactly how long it’d take to get to her house and back, recorded him playing GTA for that long.

    He was found out because cameras on the street found him walking near her house, during the “live” event.

    There were also bugs in the stream where the message “Time to die” showed up (in the context of an “ad” for a James Bond film), which were just his little way of bragging about his crime, like he was the Riddler or something.

    He did too good a job with his timing, because the “glitch” happened pretty much exactly at the time of death.

    I’ve seen enough of these “Perfect Murder Fails” go wrong, and it’s usually people who think they’re more clever than they really are pretty much giving all the evidence to the police.

    I know of another where a film maker rented an old house, made it look like a stereotypical serial killer’s lair, filmed part of a low budget horror movie on it, and then killed a guy there.

    Lemme lay down some flash non-fiction written in first person to tell you how that went

    “See, it looks like a murder happened here, but the brilliant part is: It’s a set for a movie that I can prove I’ve been making! Meaning I can just not clean up after my own killing and hide in plain sight! Aaaaaand they’re testing the fake blood I used because it doesn’t look or smell anything like costume blood… And I left my manifesto cleverly disguised as my script in the car that they can now search because the blood tested positive for being real blood, meaning probable cause. I’ll just say it’s my own blood and I wanted it to be realistic! That can salvage this! Oh right tests like that also kinda tell you who’s blood it is, meaning they know it’s the victms… and my “script” describes the victim’s wounds so perfectly it can’t be coincidence… Wow, I’m fucked.”

  • And weirdly that statement despite being VERY true also touches on a myth once believed to be legit, but has since been debunked as pseudoscience, that the Y Chromosome was the “True source of human evil”, sadly this was a thing, and it was believed that people with more than one Y chromosome were “Especially dangerous”

    This was also around the time they drilled holes in people’s heads to cure epilepsy, and was based on “It sure is wacky that most people we put in prison are dudes. Obviously maleness in and of itself is tied to evil.”, which itself was based on someone doing a bunch of self-prescribed opium while reading a newspaper.

    I really wish the “Maleness = Evilness” trope was dead, but it’s sadly still around and being used to justify transphobia

  • Indeed.

    Sean Connery’s agent had scored him the roles of Gandalf for Lord of the Rings and Morpheus in The Matrix, but turned them down due to feeling the plot was too complicated for audiences to follow. After both of these became money-printing machines, he picked League of Extraordinary Gentlemen despite still having problems with the script believing it would be as big as the other two films and that he wasn’t going to miss out on a solid payday three times in a row…

    League of Extraordinary Gentlemen would go on to be a box office bomb, and Sean Connery felt he was too “out of touch” with modern audiences to be an actor.

    There is good news though, if you want more from the franchise you’re in luck. As the movie itself was based off of a comic book which has pretty much the same plot.

    The only difference is the movie added “Tom Sawyer” to the group, he isn’t in the comic book and had been requested by executives so that there was a token American in the group, fearing audiences wouldn’t be able to relate without a member from the good ol’ US of A.