I’m looking to stock up on podcasts, whether in Mandarin, French or English. Don’t worry about my tastes I’ll sort it out later
But share good podcasts in other languages if you know any (it might be useful for other people)
I’m looking to stock up on podcasts, whether in Mandarin, French or English. Don’t worry about my tastes I’ll sort it out later
But share good podcasts in other languages if you know any (it might be useful for other people)
I enjoy the following rotation:
EconTalk - Interviews about all kinds of stuff with a classical liberal econ professor.
The Greatest Generation & Greatest Trek: Star Trek reviews with dick jokes and production notes
Joy, a Podcast. Hosted by Craig Ferguson
Love Worth Finding: sermons from Baptist minister Adrian Rogers
Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life: Presbyterian sermons
History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps: Peter Adamson goes over All. The. Philosophy. Ever. See the sister cast for non-Western philosophical schools.