I would have asked this on a math community but I couldn’t find an active one.
In a spherical geometry, great circles are “straight lines”. As such, a triangle can have two or even three right angles to it.
But what if you go the long way around the back of the sphere? Is that still a triangle?
(Edit:) I guess it’s a triangle! Fair enough; I can’t think of what else you would call it. Thanks, everyone.
This is an example of non-Euclidean geometry. In this non-Euclidean space, it is a triangle.
I am pleased to see that there is a section on Lovecraft in that article. He really loved his non-Euclidian geometry
as well as being really aggressively racist
What does that have to do with non-Euclidean geometry?
This inevitably comes up every time he is mentioned. Yes, he was very racist, even for the time. That mainly came forth from the fact that he was a very socially disturbed and scared person. Which isn’t an excuse, nu i think we should be able to appreciate the amazing writing and the influence he has had on the literary (horror) landscape without just focusing on the fact that he was racist.