Elon Musk, CEO of X (formerly Twitter), has lauded his Community Notes feature as a tool to combat fake news. Yet, despite his public commitment to accuracy, Musk has been amplifying tweets from accounts that have garnered the most Community Notes corrections—many of which are right-wing, pro-Israeli, or anti-Muslim.

While the frequency of Community Notes on a given account should not be the sole metric for evaluating its reliability, it does offer insight into how often inaccuracies are posted. What raises concern, however, is that many of the accounts most frequently corrected by Community Notes continue to receive amplification from Elon Musk himself.

Accounts like Visegrad24, End Wokeness, Ian Miles Chong and Wall Street Mav—among the most community-noted on X—are regularly retweeted or engaged with by Musk. These accounts share common traits: a distinct political slant, the promotion of pro-Israel narratives, rhetoric about the so-called “culture war,” and anti-immigrant sentiments. Musk’s interaction with these accounts not only undermines the ethos of Community Notes but calls into question the platform’s commitment to curbing disinformation when its CEO actively engages with the very sources that are most frequently flagged for inaccuracies.