It’s a water flavoring. Most are just that, water flavoring. Few squirts into a water bottle make water more “palatable” for some. There are different types of this water “enhancer” that contain caffeine. This is one of those kinds.
They make THC ones too… I tried them the one time my local dispensary had a flash sale and marked them down from like $30 to $6 (probably about to expire).
Can’t say they’re worth full price, but was great for $6. Drinking THC, interestingly, has a different high than eating it. It’s kind of in between smoking and eating. Takes like 20-30min to hit (instead of 90min+), but doesn’t last as long as an edible (which some might see as a plus, though I don’t mind waking up high the next morning lol).
After a while, the taste/smell did start to bother me. Whatever the shit is suspended in (PEG? I don’t know) has a distinct smell and aftertaste. I wonder if this stuff is similar.
wtf is that product, op can’t be the only one misunderstanding it
It’s a water flavoring. Most are just that, water flavoring. Few squirts into a water bottle make water more “palatable” for some. There are different types of this water “enhancer” that contain caffeine. This is one of those kinds.
They make THC ones too… I tried them the one time my local dispensary had a flash sale and marked them down from like $30 to $6 (probably about to expire).
Can’t say they’re worth full price, but was great for $6. Drinking THC, interestingly, has a different high than eating it. It’s kind of in between smoking and eating. Takes like 20-30min to hit (instead of 90min+), but doesn’t last as long as an edible (which some might see as a plus, though I don’t mind waking up high the next morning lol).
After a while, the taste/smell did start to bother me. Whatever the shit is suspended in (PEG? I don’t know) has a distinct smell and aftertaste. I wonder if this stuff is similar.
There are better THC drinks than these additives.
In you are in California, PBR makes a delicious non-alcoholic thc drink.
Either your a spider or you meant palatable.
I’ve got a torch buddy, I’m onto you!
You know what, you’re probably right.
About the spider thing?!?
No, the buddy thing.
I now pronounce you bro and pal. You may high five the bride.
It has “energy” and “caffeine” on the front, OP didn’t read