“These fucking retards you and I respectively lead want to stab each other again but we can’t do shit about societal momentum. Soz bro.”
For future reference, ‘retard’ is not kosher anymore. I grew up in the era when we were all using it too, so I get the habit, but please avoid the term in this community in the future.
What word should I use?
Because I guarantee you that’ll be a slur in five years. No one wants to be “dumber than most everyone else” but those people exist. And if you’re “mentally retarded,” that’s probably “you.”
Thanks for the comment, though. I can block this community before I’m banned!
Because I guarantee you that’ll be a slur in five years.
‘Retard’ has had a rather unique journey as a clinical term through periods of great prejudice against the mentally disabled, before ending up as an insult, and once an insult, was widely used against the genuinely mentally disabled as a means of demeaning them, giving it a particularly bad history.
Don’t be a fucking moron.
I agree that ‘retard’ crossed the line when it started being used as an insult against legitimately disabled people
I remember using it here and there when I was younger, with no malice behind the words. I stopped using it after I learned that it had started to be used in a derogatory sense (or maybe there never was a time when it wasn’t)
Thing is, the term ‘retardation’ just means to be slowing down, in a literal sense. In medicine, the term used is ‘mental retardation’ when somebody’s mental thought process is reducing, which is what people think they’re saying when they just say ‘retarded’
I would even go so far as to say, if you allow one use of the word, that these people who paraphrase medical terms in derogatory ways are ‘retarded’
If you’re going to be offensive, at least be creative. When you use these words, among some other like the n word, you’re just telling me you’re an asshole with zero mental aptitude
For example, I think the original commenter has the thought capacity of a chicken
Well didn’t moron use to be a medical term too? So you’re doing the same thing here, hows moron different from retard?
Well didn’t moron use to be a medical term too? So you’re doing the same thing here, hows moron different from retard?
Do I have to explain to you how language works? Terms develop connotations over time. Usage makes some into slurs. This isn’t complex. This is how every fucking slur comes about. Jesus H. Christ.
Exactly, and how is moron not a slur?