Not sure if I accomplished anything in terms of advancing the skill, but I sure got tired.
Hell yeah. I’ve got 14, myself. Working on a home recording studio now.
Who needs more than a bridge bucker and a volume knob amirite?
That’s my DeLonge style strat in teal and pink. Picked it up at a garage sale for $40 and got new hardware/electronics. It SHREDS now. I like to take it out on the back porch with my little rechargeable amp and rip some tasty licks in the sweet, crisp, summer mornings with a nice fresh brewed coffee.
I have a good life.
Hell yeah, I been sick as hell so I haven’t been able to play mine. I’m truly jealous.
Get well soon. What music do you play usually?
Thanks dude! I play a little of everything but love my beat down/hardcore/metal :)
Good stuff. I’m bashing my head against the wall of a Children of Bodom song myself now