You lost me at massively multiplayer. A single factory layout for one single player is enough to tax a system running Satisfactory. This will have to be dumbed down, people need to ignore the labels it’s flashing out and wait until the gameplay loop is revealed.
I’m looking at their earlier titles and… idk, man. Evoland 2 looks like it’s reskinned Chrono Trigger.
Darksburg is a Diablo clone, complete with procedurally generated dungeons. Wartales seems to play like Don’t Starve Together.
Implementations all seem solid, though. Maybe it could be good.
the gap between Starfield, Satisfactory and Eve Online is already filled and its name is X4 Foundations (Space Sim
likebetter than Starfield, Automated Factory building like Satisfactory and HUGE fleet battle like Eve Online)Ahhh, X4, the greatest space game that nobody ever seems to talk about. I really like it because the economy and supply lines and factories actually work. But it can be a bit janky.