ID: WookieeMark @EvilGenXer posted:

"OK so look, Capitalism is right wing.


If you are pro-capitalism, you are Right Wing.

There is no pro-capitalist Left. That’s a polite fiction in the US that no one can afford any longer as the ecosystem is actually collapsing around us."

    5 days ago

    Statistically yes, however any of those calculations I saw were always flawed and intentionally excluded losses that will always build up even in the most fair system (losses in transport, accidents, individual wrongdoing i.e. overbuying and bad cooking, miscalculations, bad harvests etc). And then there’s the rapidly shrinking space for optimal harvests, the climate catastrophe as well as capitalism keep destroying the ecosystem.

    Technically we could produce enough to offset that as well, however that would include a global empowerment of… veganism. Or at least a 95% reduction of red meat, it’s the most outrageous resource hog. I don’t need to explain why this won’t happen though.