This is an insightful comment. Just to add, once you allow contributors to the project, you add a whole other set of tasks that have to be performed. You have to become a project manager, and your mental model of the project becomes disrupted due to changes made by other people. I can fully sympathize with wanting to build an MVP before sharing.
Side note: I have no idea who this person is or what his history is. I’m just adding my opinion based on personal experience.
I did injections. 6*$400/each = $2400
I did it at the behest of my SO and went into it with precisely zero expectations of it working – too many years of trying every available legal/illegal, scientific/unscientific option available, all to no avail.
The half-life is like 20 minutes, so at about 30 minutes they come and hit you with a second dose. That hour is truly fantastic. But it didn’t seem to alleviate my lifelong depression, and I had even told people it wasn’t worth it. But about two months after the last dose I realized I was feeling better. A couple of years on, I have continued to feel better and better over time. I mean, the world is going to shit, and although I’m aware of it, it’s more in the periphery rather than front and center. I actually feel pretty great for the first time in a decade.
There’s no doubt the pharmaceutical companies are ripping everyone off, as they are wont to do. But if it works and you are privileged enough to have the means, it can be a life-changing solution to a life-ruining condition.
That said, I have no idea how effective the nasal spray would be or how it might differ.