I simply zip up before getting out of the stall or move away from the bidet to go wash my hands lol
I simply zip up before getting out of the stall or move away from the bidet to go wash my hands lol
Sure a lot of practical steps to keep people healthy or prevent simple deaths can be taken that most people will know but the difference between doctors back then and now is that in the past they were more akin to faith healers than our current definition of a doctor.
I know this is a day old and most people who would have seen this already have moved on, but this is a simple fix. In fact if you have secure boot enabled, the Nvidia driver installation will detect it and start the signing process. If you don’t have secure boot enabled, then it will skip it. I think having secure boot enabled and properly signing your drivers is good to not end up in that situation again. Though I understand how annoying it can be too. Sigh