The nature of your post is highly trollish so yes delete absolutely everything. The sooner you can stop wasting everyone’s attsntion, the better.
Never a shortage of shitheads being loud. Just ignore them - they don’t deserve your attention for a moment.
OK I hear ya. I think like anything, a low-quality, low-effort, low-cost product will appeal to a certain demographic, and there will be no shortage of bottom-feeders who will peddle it for a buck.
I don’t understand the odd jump to teenagers on Deviantart. You sound like you have an axe to grind.
I don’t know why you attribute to the deviantart community the status of teenagers, and I also don’t know why you think that there aren’t talented and seasoned artists all over the world making beautiful expressions in a diverse spectrum of media.
Are you bitter about something? I don’t like AI art whatsoever and I don’t think it deserves to be called art. It’s sewage. I also think that individuals who like that crap distinguish themselves as unsophisticated and dumb. I think most people with taste feel this way. So what’s got you worried?
Wow this is actually happening? The country really seems more and more all the time like we are going to end up two separate nations. The U.S.A. and Gilead.
Also, yeah, these fossils have less than no tech knowledge to think anything can get in the way of porn when someone wants it. What a fucking joke. These are our political representatives hard at work. Probably actually HARD at work. The dumbest sampling of humanity.
The post you linked to is written extremely poorly, clearly by someone who would absolutely fail any writing class. They are very poor at writing in all aspects. Also they integrated references and slang.
One or two of my computers have been on for about five years. The laptop I use mostly has been on for several months. But I’m a very teched-up person. I’ve got computers in various forms all over the place. Actually less nowadays compared to many years ago. I don’t shut anything down because I’ve got various services in operation 24/7.
kept hush hush for whatever reason..
The christians don’t like sex.
Not to hijack this post, but since there are knowledgeable folks participating, could someone point to either an article or a video that explains the various crypto currencies, how they work, what role the mining functions, and explains them in language that most people can understand?
Thank you if anyone has a reference to provide. :-)
P.S. I’m aware Google exists, but I’d like one that’s at least vetted by someone knowledgeable. Between search manipulations and AI, I’ve found searching to be very iffy as it is in terms of finding good authoritative results.
He said suffrage not women suffering. Lol Jesus. Look it up in an encyclopedia.
Aaahhhhhhhh the aroma of 1995.
Dude. RAID.
He will never see a second in prison, don’t kid yourself.
Doesn’t Drumpf plan to remove us from NATO? Or am I remembering wrongly what I read?
Firefox is still extremely messy on Linux. It’s split between multiple platform types (flatpak, deb, snap) and I’ve seen multiple parts start to branch off on their own due to some fault. It’s really weird. Can’t even describe it. Why can’t they just do things simply.