It is all suspect. He got his degree in 2016, Masters in 2015, Phd in 2020. The Yatiken he associates himself with on his linked in was started in 2014 so he is not the founder of that Yatiken. There is another Yatiken company registered in 2020 that lists him but amusingly has him no longer being a manager in 2021.
As others have replied yes the term was inspired by the rugby term but unlike a rugby coach who sets the teams strategy and game tactics, the scrum master in agile methodology is a tactical role that is focused on ensuring the team are observing agile ceremonies, sticking to their sprint commitments etc. What the team are doing and why is the responsibility of other roles like Product Managers who may also have Product Owners working closely with the teams whose responsibility is to have a prioritised backlog of items for the team to use as input to plan upcoming work. Usually there are higher level roles that set business level / market level strategy that gives guidance to Product Managers on where products should be focusing to meet specific business goals.