In like 5th or 6th grade (whenever we were learning about the civil war) the teacher or some parent actually made hard tack from a civil war recipe and I gotta say, from seeing some fresh it doesn’t look like it changed much in those 153 years lmao. His was a bit redder, our fresh one was more the color you’d expect, and it was just as hard if the crunches and klinks are any indicator, but ours just tasted like blandness, his must’ve been stored with mothballs over the years. They didn’t give us any coffee though (or even mention soaking it, fed it to us dry), now I kinda want to make a sheet and try it again! Honestly I bet you could ad in some shit like cinnamon and it wouldn’t be too bad.
Just a heads up,
Most of my tools won’t run, (you can likely find alternatives for most, barring adobe)
most of my self made tools won’t run, (well you can fix that, now can’t ya? You made em once you can make em again)
most of my games won’t run, (Destiny player? Seems most single players run these days, but yeah the kernel level anticheat “required” by many online games renders them unplayable, because even if they do run like destiny you just get acct banned for playing on linux. This is the fault of the companies though, not on linux or its community for hating the kernel level spyware, of course.)
most 4 decades of internalization of shortcuts won’t cut it short anymore. (Actually you may be surprised, many windows shortcuts still work on KDE, and you can configure them however you want if there’s something missing. Plus you’d learn any “new” ones quicker than you may think.)
But yeah that said it isn’t for everybody. Just gotta weigh the cost/benefit, is it worth it to you to learn a little about a new UI to escape microsoft’s actively hostile anti-consumer practices, or would you rather just grin and bear it for “ease” (though it could be argued that “learning the new thing and being done with it” is actually easier than dealing with windows, just that learning the new thing frontloads the “hard” while dealing with microsoft is a constant annoyance. But I digress.)