How many password breaches have there been?
Time to move hosts
That works right up until you have to change one of the passwords.
Disconnect everything physically plugged into the router and change the WiFi password.
Add your devices back one at a time until the dropouts start again.
If they start immediately then you’re looking at a modem/router issue (most likely). If they start after adding a device, remove that device and check the network stability again.
When the network drops happen is your modem showing that it’s still connected to your ISP or is the modem in a disconnected state?
Setup an always on VPN that connects them to their home network where those sites are blocked.
Now it doesn’t work on cellular anymore either.
Shout out to the PiHole software that makes DNS black listing much easier for ad blocking .
I love that Cake song
This means it’s time for you to change the next letter until you’ve made a completely different word.
I suggest changing the o to an a
I can hear this gif. I guess it’s time to have my colonoscopy.
A TV that isn’t connected to a network is a dumb screen.