NTA. Her buying the last ice cream in the grocery store in front of you is a war crime by Geneva Convention and only setting her house on fire is the calmest response.
NTA. Her buying the last ice cream in the grocery store in front of you is a war crime by Geneva Convention and only setting her house on fire is the calmest response.
From personal experience susceptible people get paranoid schizophrenia like symptoms with cannabis use immediately, which should be a warning. From a scientific angle there are statistic links, but not a proven causal link. But we do know it reduces hippocampal volume which probably isn’t healthy, and hyperemetic syndrome tells that it does have negative lasting effects.
Truth is, you probably should not do it, but likely it’s not going to wreck you either. Nobody knows for sure what will happen to you.
I especially fail to see the value to drive up obsolescence. Look how the Final Fantasy XIV art team, or the Tyranny RPG expressed so much through comparatively ancient engines of the PS3 era. And for shooters we have so much visual polished fidelity, with physics, high resolution textures and dynamic lighting to create anything you want. From “Prey” (2016) to Prey (2005) I think both look amazing.