When Youtube removed dislikes from showing, apart from putting the dislike plugin on my browser, I went and disabled the youtube app on my phone. I installed newpipe which doesnt use any account. I never imported my subscriptions to the app on my phone and I set the homescreen to show an empty screen.
I used to spend ~1-2hours watching memes or whatever (I used to watch more serious stuff in the past, related to physics and such). Almost as soon as I made the change, I vary rarely watch youtube. It is ~usually stuff I search up (~mainly music when I choose not to use Innertune or listen to my local stuff) or stuff people share with me. This week I watched on average about 7mins of yt per day. It’s liberating
When Youtube removed dislikes from showing, apart from putting the dislike plugin on my browser, I went and disabled the youtube app on my phone. I installed newpipe which doesnt use any account. I never imported my subscriptions to the app on my phone and I set the homescreen to show an empty screen.
I used to spend ~1-2hours watching memes or whatever (I used to watch more serious stuff in the past, related to physics and such). Almost as soon as I made the change, I vary rarely watch youtube. It is ~usually stuff I search up (~mainly music when I choose not to use Innertune or listen to my local stuff) or stuff people share with me. This week I watched on average about 7mins of yt per day. It’s liberating