Cooked bro
Cooked bro
That’s easily provably not true. You can get pretty much every single game on epic or good old games exist
Was season 1 good?
I mean if they do that then they’re late to the party. He’s been doing talking about doing it since day 1
Honestly I thought it said pilot proposed to “my” girlfriend.
Every other country should unanimously vote to call the USA something stupid since apparently countries can just rename other countries
From the USA. Hoping Canada stays strong and resists this unflushable turd
If we get our power cut off in Michigan we should have an emergency vote to secede and join Canada
Never forget what they took from us
I don’t respect Nazis
I get likes on cat pictures and that’s it. The likes always seem to come after I go to bed so I assume somewhere else in the world is where the exposure is coming from
I do that quite a lot too
And you’re not even allowed to opt out. It’s just getting told to go fuck yourself continuously till you die of natural causes
Same, it’s insane how many teachers saw it and thought “not on my watch”
We have almost the exact same PC
If you’re getting fancy eggs. The mass produced eggs are like $2.99.
I swear to God Dave if you found the necronomicon again
If diabetics get insulin for free they’d become dependent and require it for the rest of their lives. It’s safer to just let them die or leave them homeless because they have to spend all their money on it.
No they weren’t no one gives a fuck if you swear. Maga people started saying it because of that news reporter at a nascar* (I believe) event. The crowd was chanting fuck joe Biden and she misheard it and it went viral.
The few streamers I do watch have addressed it in the past and typically they want their stream to be a place where you can go to escape reality rather than be bombarded with hate and vitriol for the entire time. It’s not like people don’t see it literally everywhere. It’s forcing her face all the time everyday. We need a break honestly sometimes.