Don’t forget frequently ripping off ideas from small companies that (used to) sell on amazon. A lot of amazon basics is just stuff they ripped off from other people.
Don’t forget frequently ripping off ideas from small companies that (used to) sell on amazon. A lot of amazon basics is just stuff they ripped off from other people.
On that note PLA is food safe anyway, the reason you don’t drink out if it is the layer lines create an environment for bacteria so with finishing and cleaning you wouldn’t even need the insert, in theory anyway though I’d still use one.
Most benchmarks I’ve seen put them around 5070ti for RT performance and 5080 for raster performance. They’re about where AMD thought the 5070 was going to be before NVidia surprised us all with such a dissapointing launch.
Get 500 dollars then use AI to generate the other 3/4 of the money and buy a 5090.
I believe there is an object called a brown sub-dwarf which jupiter would clasify IF it wasn’t part of a planetary system that basically represents the smallest type of failed star, however since jupiter formed from a protoplanetary disc it is indeed a planet. It really is a bit of an issue with our classifications that they’re context dependant though. E.g the moon on its own could be a dward planet, earth orbiting at the same distance as pluto would also be a dwarf planet even with no other changes.
Elon isn’t a government official, there would be nothing unwise about arresting him for things most people would get arrested or at least questioned by the police for.
I’m currently building a Guzheng out of wood from the cherry tree I used to hang out in as a kid that got destroyed in a fire with only part of the trunk remaining. Maybe only 4/10 interesting but if this were a fantasy setting that’s at least a +2 magic instrument right there for the backstory its got.
No wait this is fantastic, its probably going to be some stupid image generator that tries to generate what your face looks like when its partly obscured. We can all wear cheap paper masks of celebrities and let the AI camera turn that into a semi-convincing actual face instead! Who knew Mark Zuckerberg was a serial shoplifter across the entire US and Europe!?
On one side I see americans talking about taking over greenland like it’d be a new old west style frontier, on the other side I see northern europe increasingly warming up to landmines again. Come to the new frontier, we have great opportunities like serving mega corporations, randomly exploding and being murdered by danish guerillas.
Literally building an instrument so I can have fun playing it… and making it has been pretty fun too.
Wait for DLSS4, the mfgen is series 5 exclusive but the transformer model with the improved performance is being ported all the way back to the 2000 series. Might get the performance uplift you need without buying anything if you already have an RTX card.
Manged to get an ender 3V2 a few years ago, auto bed levelling is a must have feature if you intend to spend more time using your printer than calibrating or fixing it. After that masking tape fixes all adhesion problems.
Ahh so it was the guy that came up with a new refining process that fucked us all over.
I mean including the UK in any soccer/footbal related discussion is just unceccesarily cruel to the UK so may as well leave it out.
I have a vague memory of looking this up and the guy that named it intended it to use the american pronounciation but the european spelling, so fuck that guy I guess?
My understanding was always that CPR isn’t meant to revive someone its meant to keep them viable for revival by people with better training/equipment.
As someone in the industry (asset side) I feel there are some legitimate uses for Gen AI but they’re the kind of uses where if done properly you wouldn’t notice: