• 5 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024


  • i know that sounds goofy as shit but IMAGINE just being able to effortlessly swap entire genders like that, and then being able to go back when I feel like it?! UGHHHHHHHHH THAT BE SO FUCKING COOL

    if im gonna be honest- I’d say im “digitally trans” if that makes any sense at all. I play a lotta online games like vrchat, and I fucking hate my voice cus I sound like a toddler, but the characters that I enjoy playing are all masculine men. So im working on getting a voice changer that can totally disguise my voice 😎 I’m still a girl, And I love being a girl lol, but im just sayin if there was a machine I could walk into and BAM im a full blown man, bits and everything…

    👀 I’d invest my life saving into that shit

  • I didnt know she was trans- To be totally honest im actually out of the loop on a lot of this, Visually, she looks EXACTLY like a woman (man I wish I could swap genders and pass-)

    Dude she passes 100%, there’s not anything to her appearance that looks masculine, and I say this as just someone looking at her first glance. I saw her for the first time and said “Thats deadass a woman, How do you misgender her she’s literally a woman. Are they stupid?” then scrolled the comments and found out she’s trans.

    AND THEY STILL MISGENDERED HER??? Nah dude- fuck whoever did that, they’re a prick fr.

    (you’re still a prick if you purposefully misgender someone but like- idk if the person looked exactly like man but prefers She/her, my dumbass is gonna be struggling regardless; I can barely remember to eat food during the day. But this scenario is like looking at Janet Mock and calling her a He. WTF??)

  • ima say this, I never really liked all of the “politically correct ways” to refer to race. It always urked me when people would refer to me as “A person of color” or Bipoc. Like honey just call me Black, cus thats what I am. 😭

    I feel like theres this weird fear amongst some white people that if they say the wrong thing while a black person is present, that they’re life will be RUINED. Shit I even had a piano teacher express to me what was basically White guilt one time. She felt ashamed of herself for just being born white, and I remember just feeling absolutely awful that whatever the hell was happening in the media right now made her feel that way. I dont care about reparations or idk- whatever tf BLM the organization is babbling about (Bad organization btw, they’re shady. DO NOT give them your money.) I just want people to treat me like a person :/

    I dont want my white friends to “fear” for me or any of that shit (all I have is white friends lmao) Race is only relevant once I start cracking jokes about myself. I hate that in this day and age, there is this expectation that just because I’m black, that I MUST care about certain things. We tried moving away from pigeon-holing ourselves and only made it astronomically worse. You ever hear jokes about “Oh- White people always do this-” or “Black people don’t do that”? THAT WAS THE GATEWAY to segregating ourselves all over again, and we perpetuated it! We AS BLACK PEOPLE, saw ourselves as certain way and made it so that its an expectation TO be that certain way. Do you have any idea how many weird looks I get when I tell another black person I’m Agnostic? The response is almost always “Nah what?? Your black and you don’t go to church or any of that? Thats crazy…”

    TBH a lot of the bullying I got through my entire life was by other black people, and that was when I realized that even we have prejudice against our own people. Dude- WE STEREOTYPE OURSELVES!! All the time! So much so I got a whole ass list of things Black people arent supposed to do ENTIERLY CURATED from comments I got by other black people.

    Black people dont:

    -dress goth

    -dress emo

    -obsessed over horror

    -talk about bugs or etomology

    -Wear Japanese Kawaii fashion

    -wear hoop skirts(?)

    -Talk “white”

    -research about mental health

    -TALK about mental health

    -tell others they have mental health issues

    -Engage in “Heathenism”

    -talk about shakra’s or Astrology (even though a massive portion of that community tends to be black chicks but whatever)

    -Wear cat ears

    -wear furry tails

    -become furries/wear fursuits

    -listen to Hyperpop/Vaporwave/1930’s music/noise music/ anything that has to do with new-age alternative/experimental -music

    idk, I hope me going off about this wasn’t offensive or some shit, but what I’m basically trynna say is white people aint the bad guys a lotta the time, deadass we can become our own enemy, and that goes to any Gay, Trans, Black, Mexican, etc etc. But the only people to experience that typa shit would have to be people in those communities, and a lot of the time, we get scared to actually speak out about that stuff out of fear of being ostracized by own own people simply cus we don’t fit some sort of Behavioral quota.

    if there was anyone or anything I could 100% point to as being an enemy or crooked, its the rich 1% People wanna always be like “oh the rich old white men…” Honey, theres black people there doing the same thing. Like be real with me, do yall got any fuckin clue how many Rappers just blow up and become stupid rich. And then what do they do with all that wealth?? Spend it on dumb shit the same way a privileged white boy would, and not a single fuckin bit goes back into donating to the black community let alone bettering the already shitty conditions we live in. If anything most of em make the stereotyping WORSE being acting as some kind of figurehead for the Hood. If a black person gets stupid rich stupid quick, 9/10 they’re going to become a terrible person and not give a rats ass about poor people. They’re rich, why would they need to?

    I used to be so scared of the hood growing up, I live in a mostly white neighborhood full of friendly old white ladies. But the music- Oh my god it made it seem like if I breathed wrong, I was gonna get shot or gangr8pd INSTANTLY. Bro, the hood is full of so many friendly communities. People will walk over to each others houses n shit ALL THE TIME and have cookouts and little community gatherings. So much so its a meme about the shit we do at cookouts. I still sometimes face prejudice now, but its mostly from younger black kids who are just naive asf. But fr, the Hiphop industry and the shit they churn out DOES NOT HELP, it just worsens the idea that we black folks gotta act hard and be hard and shoot a mofucker if they look at you sideways and ALLLLLLLLLL that. Female rap is even worse. More likely than not though, the reason the music is like that is cus of the industry doing that shit on purpose, how tf else did Sexxy Red or Ice Spice get as popular as they did?

    Alright thanks for coming to my TEDtalk, there was refreshments in the back but I ate all the biscuits n gravy, mah bad.