They’re doing exactly what non-Bambu buyers have been warning about beat by beat. Nobody should be surprised or really shocked by any of this.
And yet it’s just depressing to see because despite all the red flags and foreshadowing, Bambu technically developed a next level printer and has at the very least put pressure on competitors to improve their products.
Now I wonder if we have to worry about other Manufacturers following lead about the bad things too. Because I suspect people who proudly and publicly trashed their entire printer fleet in favor of Bambu probably won’t make the switch back any time soon. If this doesn’t hit Bambu hard, it might become common practice and potentially get much worse until we got chipped filament spools for 3 to 4 times the price.
These lazy Pandas of the 3D-Printer community might proof both critics and the walled garden approach that already plagues home printing right by putting their head between their legs and let themselves get beaten up by Bambu. That’s my fear.
Saw the thumbnail and immediately knew what it must be lol