• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • The stronghold, at the very least. It was a major problem in the first game to have your base of operations be a thing that you had to return to with travel time, so it’s a significant course correction to have it come with you.

    Sure but that’s a mechanics improvement that people aren’t going to realise because they never bought the game… because an Age of Sail / Pirates setting has never been popular in CRPGs. They should have stuck with high fantasy.

    Having a turn-based mode as an option is always welcome especially with large parties but again… people need to play the game to get a feel for any potential improvements there. They didn’t buy it, didn’t play it, and still didn’t do either when turn-based was added.

    Larian had zero reason to change a winning formula so I’m not sure why that factors in your mind? Literally a “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

    I agree that budget isn’t the defining difference, the setting is. DOS2 starts you off on a ship then dumps you on a tropical island. Did it suffer? No… because their game is clearly not a Pirates (Age of Sail) game. You even see a shot of the characters on a big ship during the trailer but then go straight back to combat on land.

    There are many discussions on this particular issue and John absolutely refuses to acknowledge it because he likes the setting.

  • I played ice hockey with a young bloke who had FAS and he was an absolute mess. Zero impulse control, low intelligence and addicted to anything he could get his hands on.

    Some of his behaviour would have earned another person a beating but everyone knew and tried… correcting his behaviour a bit more gently.

    His dad was clearly making an effort but it was ruining both their lives and he had divorced.

    Young bloke ended up offing himself.

    On an equally depressing note, once you know what to look for you see FAS fairly regularly in porn.