As someone that uses a custom domain for the majority of his email, it’s not really a privacy thing, it’s a control thing.
I have hundreds of unique unpredictable email addresses and I can disconnect them at will to stop spam.
Hiker, software engineer (primarily C++, Java, and Python), Minecraft modder, hunter (of the Hunt Showdown variety), biker, adoptive Akronite, and general doer of assorted things.
As someone that uses a custom domain for the majority of his email, it’s not really a privacy thing, it’s a control thing.
I have hundreds of unique unpredictable email addresses and I can disconnect them at will to stop spam.
That’s not true. It’s not all free software. The distribution of it certainly isn’t free even if most of the individual pieces are.
My distro containing emacs doesn’t make the distribution itself free software, it just contains some free software. Similar to how emacs being on Windows doesn’t make Windows free software.
Steam OS is a higher percentage of free software than Windows, but it is not exclusively free software. The SteamOS trademark is also not free to use without authorization.
This is not disparaging free software, you’re making drama where there need not be any.
The reality you live in must be nice. The CCP is just a peaceful little government trying to live its peaceful little life and bring people peace and happiness.
China is a threat though. Destruction of as many computers as possible is a real threat. CCP members being able to request access to control servers and fire employees that might otherwise refuse is a real threat.
So much of this is automated. You request SSH keys for “a review”, upload a file to the distribution system, it sends it out as an update, and the update waits for the command and control server to say “go” before sending your credit card numbers from Steam to the CCP and bricking your computer. If it ever happens, it will be over before you know what hit you.
I mean it’s a profit engine for the CCP and it has its own rootkit (that people willingly install) in the form of Vanguard AntiCheat as well as that other one being used in the new DeltaForce game.
I had some pretty terrible Thai in Poland, so it’s definitely not uniquely Mexican food 🙂 That’s just one that I’ve had a few more encounters with that was more consistently bad.
Fair point about the cultural influence; it’s probably less cultural influence than number of immigrants (and the US definitely has a lot of immigrants from asia and Mexico). I live in Ohio, so I’m fairly far from the border, but the Mexican food still ranges from “pretty good” to “fantastic.”
Meanwhile finding like good French, German, or Belgian cooking, even in areas with historic immigration from those areas in decades or centuries past is quite difficult.
Even more traditional “early European American immigrant” food (like chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, mush, turkey, roast beef sandwiches, etc) can feel endangered outside of Amish country, family kitchens, and large chain restaurants that do it badly.
It’s not just the US that has bland restaurants and/or is afraid of spice.
I’ve been to restaurants in the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Austria, and Bulgaria.
I’m sure there are places that spice things up more and some of the restaurants were really good, but some were also some of the most bland food I’ve had at a restaurant.
It’s the same thing in the US; there are places that won’t put any spice on and there are places that will leave you crying the food is so hot and everything in-between.
Also every “Mexican” food dish I’ve had in Europe has just been bad. Y’all are doing it wrong.
It’s kind of funny because if you go look at the reply about soccer, several people are like “that wasn’t the Europeans, that was the brits!”
It’s the same thing here with different states doing different crazy things … Not that we also don’t do some stuff nationally that’s crazy, like electing a certain felon, but ya know
I mean you can’t stay out of their “exact” blind spot, but vehicles aren’t that different. The blind spot is typically in the range of behind the driver’s side door to a few feet behind the rear bumper.
it’s also in that exact situation that you’ll be surprised to see that some fucker has been cruising in your blind spot for a long time.
An additional helpful tip is to get out of people’s blind spots. Don’t be the one driving in another person’s blind spot for an extended amount of time because they are a lot more likely to turn into you.
I didn’t watch the video, but in my experience, no… They just have very strong ideas about what they don’t like.