arch wiki and gpt4all github & issues
arch wiki and gpt4all github & issues
I’m running gpt4all on AMD. Had to figure out which packages to install, which took a while, but since then it runs fine just fine
Dog hardware … with dog software I guess. Barks mostly reliably, but sometimes bugs out and keeps barking for no reason.
Next, show us your butthole by drawing it in the linux terminal
I have a raspberry pi running from a microsd (which uses the same kind of tech as a usb stick) for over 5 years with dietpi.
But considering that you think you chewed through an nvme somehow, you may be right.
The state of mind depends on sensory input.
Here is my personal approach to this.
I have set my bash history to a ridiculous 1000000 max length, so that I can use CTRL+R to search for commands that I have ran before
I write down a lot of commands in a searchable note text document
Ask chatGPT
Use the tldr
Added A LOT of verbose custom aliases and scripts. For example instead of
inotifywait -m -r --exclude "(/tmp.*|/var/cache.*|/dev/pts/|/var/log.*)" -e MOVED_TO -e CREATE -e CLOSE_WRITE -e DELETE -e MODIFY .
(nobody can remember that alphabet gibberish)
I just type watch_for_changes .
Since it is verbose, straight from my brain, I always remember it and it works with autocomplete. I have like ~30 such commands so far.
The only way I can think of is blacklisting everything by default, directing to a challanging proper captcha (can be selfhosted) and temporarily whitelisting proven human IPs.
A captcha will inconvenience the users. If you just want to make it worse for the crawlers, let them spend compute ressources through something like (which would still allow them to crawl your site, but make DDoSing very expensive)