Tell me you’re not British without telling me you’re not British
Tell me you’re not British without telling me you’re not British
Andrew Wakefield knowingly and intentionally misrepresented his scientific findings to further his own career ahead of the interests of humanity as a whole. Thomas Midgley Jr is the only person I’d put ahead of him in terms of the damage he’s done to the world.
Funnily enough, this was in Canada!
I saw a crow fish a big sharing bag of crisps (chips) out of a bin. The bag was nearly full and too heavy for it to fly away with so it landed pulled half the crisps out and onto the ground, then picked up the now lighter bag and carried it off.
Who told her about the squeezers?
I live in a rural area and speak to lots of farmers. Chatting to one of my neighbours in the pub about it and they’re righteously angry about it.
Drill down into their assets though and they have: modest sheep flock and attendant land, equipment etc, large family home, profitable machining and engineering business, separate from the farm, 4 other properties that they let their children live in rent free or rent out to other tenants.
I do think that the government is using a hammer to tighten a screw, but my sympathy ends for farmers when they’re hoarding assets to that degree and that isn’t even particularly large when I compare it to some of the families I work for. One I can name employs around 200 people in a major dairy operation with dozens of old family farms consolidated into the ownership of 3 siblings.
Land and farm assets like animals, equipment etc should be exempt so that they’re not just bought up by corporations. The rest should be subject to the same level of taxation as the rest of the country has to pay.
Hey! This guys a phony!
Simpsons did it
It’s nothing to do with putin. It’s just greedy sociopaths are prepared to exploit the state the world finds itself in. They’ve always done it and always will it’s just the modern world is unique in that almost the entire population of the western world is the target of the exploitation this time around and the world will almost certainly never recover from the environmental damage that will continue to be done and accelerated while people are too busy fighting over DEI and trans rights.
The culture wars are a distraction to the great heist.
Destroy the economy, collapse any remaining faith in democracy, sell the nation to the highest bidder.
It’s going to be the biggest and most destructive form of disaster capitalism we’ve ever seen, mainly because they are the very people who are engineering the disaster in the first place.
B is for Bergen-Belsen
Except for that brief period where you turned up 2 years late to the party and proceeded to take all of the credit. Yes.
Hitler was also whacked out of his mind on methamphetamine most of the time, just like this jackass
The moon looks awfully big, and angry, today
She’s clearly not a listerated pepsin gum girl
Could be worse
Yeah, but not annoying individually wrapped bags like this.